Get Chinese Symbol Tattoos - Fabulous, Sexy and Uniquely You

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="350" caption="Chinese Symbol Tattoos"]Get Chinese Symbol Tattoos - Fabulous, Sexy and Uniquely You[/caption]

Get Chinese symbol tattoos and make a decisive statement to the world.  These truly are the most versatile of tattoos.  They can represent the feminine or the masculine equally well and can empower us with a sense of who we are.

The key to getting a chinese calligraphy tattoo that is unique to you is to bypass all the usual outlets.

* Don't chose your design from the flash on the wall of your local tattoo parlor
* Don't chose your design from a "freebie' site on the internet.

There is a real temptation when browsing the art work in a tattoo parlor to see something that catches the eye and make a decision on the spot to get inked with that design.  Resist that urge.  That art work will have already caught the attention of a hundred other people.  You will not have a design that is unique.  You will have one the same as everyone else and not one of you can be absolutely sure of what it means.

Good Tattoos For Girls - What to Look For in the Artwork You See

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="350" caption="Good Tattoos For Girls"]Good Tattoos For Girls - What to Look For in the Artwork You See[/caption]

There are three main traits to look for when you're clicking through good tattoos for girls. If they don't have these three traits, there's a very strong chance that the design might not be as great as you think. It might be just another generic piece of artwork that many sites throw onto their servers. If you want to pick good tattoos for girls, the following information can go a long way toward helping you achieve it.

First of all, so many people rush into getting tattooed and settle on the first design that looks half way decent. Do you know how many of those folks regret the artwork they put on themselves in the long run Over 95% of them regret it. It's getting out of hand, because people are just following fads and trends, which is the absolute worst thought process to have when looking for good tattoos for girls. So, my first tip is to bypass any galleries that have the same generic stuff over and over again. The first trait a design must have would be originality. It's an absolute must.

The second trait a design must have would be great shading. Many designs can look very, very slick on paper, but once you ink it on your skin, the shading will look totally different, and not in a happy sort of way. Many galleries put up designs because they look amazing when you print them out, but they look nowhere near as great once you make them into a real tattoo. You need to bring any design you pick into your favorite artist and have them look at it. Ask them question about the shading and ask them what needs to be done so that it doesn't look like a train wreck once it's put on your body.